Request a custom link

If you own a subscribed server and want to request a custom link, you're on the right page.

Exoguard has merged with to offer custom links to its subscribers.

Before going any further, please make sure you actually own a subscribed server. Even if you have a top administrator role, the bot will not consider it as ownership.

Join Exoguard HQ and get your Subscriber role

You will have to join our support server then get your Subscriber linked role:

If you do not wish to get the linked role for any reason, please ask for the /request permission. Note that our service will still check for subscribed servers ownership to list your eligible servers.

Once you have your role, you can go to the #commands channel and use the /request command:

In the above example, the test code means you want to request as a custom link. Make sure you request the link you actually want of course, which mustn't already be taken or in use.

When you execute the command, it will ask you for which server you want to request this link:

You can click on the /request command answered by the bot's ephemeral message to double-check your requested code. Make sure you have a legitimate reason to request that link or it will be denied.

Wait for your request to be handled

Once you have selected your server, that's it! The bot will confirm your request has been submitted:

If your server already has a custom link, the bot will let you know about it just in case you forgot. Having a custom link will not prevent you from requesting a new one, should you want to update it.

When a request is submitted, it is sent to a private staff channel to be handled by our helpers. While we try to handle them as soon as possible, we do not have any guaranteed response time.

A staff member will get in touch with you to let you know once your request has been handled. They may also contact you if they need more information before they can approve or deny it. Should they deny your request, they may let you know why but are not obligated to do so.

You can check your assigned custom link by using the /config info command on your server. Still on your server, you can use the /config settings custom_link command to set it up.

Last updated